Metadata propagation

Cluster API controllers implement consistent metadata (labels & annotations) propagation across the core API resources. This behaviour tries to be consistent with Kubernetes apps/v1 Deployment and ReplicaSet. New providers should behave accordingly fitting within the following pattern:

Cluster Topology

ControlPlaneTopology labels are labels and annotations are continuously propagated to ControlPlane top-level labels and annotations and ControlPlane MachineTemplate labels and annotations.

  • .spec.topology.controlPlane.metadata.labels => ControlPlane.labels, ControlPlane.spec.machineTemplate.metadata.labels
  • .spec.topology.controlPlane.metadata.annotations => ControlPlane.annotations, ControlPlane.spec.machineTemplate.metadata.annotations

MachineDeploymentTopology labels and annotations are continuously propagated to MachineDeployment top-level labels and annotations and MachineDeployment MachineTemplate labels and annotations.

  • .spec.topology.machineDeployments[i].metadata.labels => MachineDeployment.labels, MachineDeployment.spec.template.metadata.labels
  • .spec.topology.machineDeployments[i].metadata.annotations => MachineDeployment.annotations, MachineDeployment.spec.template.metadata.annotations


ControlPlaneClass labels are labels and annotations are continuously propagated to ControlPlane top-level labels and annotations and ControlPlane MachineTemplate labels and annotations.

  • .spec.controlPlane.metadata.labels => ControlPlane.labels, ControlPlane.spec.machineTemplate.metadata.labels
  • .spec.controlPlane.metadata.annotations => ControlPlane.annotations, ControlPlane.spec.machineTemplate.metadata.annotations Note: ControlPlaneTopology labels and annotations take precedence over ControlPlaneClass labels and annotations.

MachineDeploymentClass labels and annotations are continuously propagated to MachineDeployment top-level labels and annotations and MachineDeployment MachineTemplate labels and annotations.

  • .spec.workers.machineDeployments[i].template.metadata.labels => MachineDeployment.labels, MachineDeployment.spec.template.metadata.labels
  • .spec.worker.machineDeployments[i].template.metadata.annotations => MachineDeployment.annotations, MachineDeployment.spec.template.metadata.annotations Note: MachineDeploymentTopology labels and annotations take precedence over MachineDeploymentClass labels and annotations.


Top-level labels and annotations do not propagate at all.

  • .labels => Not propagated.
  • .annotations => Not propagated.

MachineTemplate labels and annotations continuously propagate to new and existing Machines, InfraMachines and BootstrapConfigs.

  • .spec.machineTemplate.metadata.labels => Machine.labels, InfraMachine.labels, BootstrapConfig.labels
  • .spec.machineTemplate.metadata.annotations => Machine.annotations, InfraMachine.annotations, BootstrapConfig.annotations


Top-level labels do not propagate at all. Top-level annotations continuously propagate to MachineSets top-level annotations.

  • .labels => Not propagated.
  • .annotations => MachineSet.annotations

Template labels continuously propagate to MachineSets top-level and MachineSets template metadata. Template annotations continuously propagate to MachineSets template metadata.

  • .spec.template.metadata.labels => MachineSet.labels, MachineSet.spec.template.metadata.labels
  • .spec.template.metadata.annotations => MachineSet.spec.template.metadata.annotations


Top-level labels and annotations do not propagate at all.

  • .labels => Not propagated.
  • .annotations => Not propagated.

Template labels and annotations continuously propagate to new and existing Machines, InfraMachines and BootstrapConfigs.

  • .spec.template.metadata.labels => Machine.labels, InfraMachine.labels, BootstrapConfig.labels
  • .spec.template.metadata.annotations => Machine.annotations, InfraMachine.annotations, BootstrapConfig.annotations


Top-level labels and annotations that meet a specific criteria are propagated to the Node labels and annotations.

  • .labels.[label-meets-criteria] => Node.labels
  • .annotations.[annotation-meets-criteria] => Node.annotations

Labels that meet at least one of the following criteria are always propagated to the Node:

  • Has as prefix.
  • Belongs to domain.
  • Belongs to domain.

In addition, any labels that match at least one of the regexes provided by the --additional-sync-machine-labels flag on the manager will be synced from the Machine to the Node.

Annotations that meet at least one of the following criteria are always propagated to the Node:

  • Belongs to domain

In addition, any annotations that match at least one of the regexes provided by the --additional-sync-machine-annotations flag on the manager will be synced from the Machine to the Node.