The Cluster API project is committed to improving the SRE/developer experience when troubleshooting issues, and logging plays an important part in this goal.
In Cluster API we strive to follow three principles while implementing logging:
- Logs are for SRE & developers, not for end users! Whenever an end user is required to read logs to understand what is happening in the system, most probably there is an opportunity for improvement of other observability in our API, like e.g. conditions and events.
- Navigating logs should be easy: We should make sure that SREs/Developers can easily drill down logs while investigating issues, e.g. by allowing to search all the log entries for a specific Machine object, eventually across different controllers/reconciler logs.
- Cluster API developers MUST use logs! As Cluster API contributors you are not only the ones that implement logs, but also the first users of them. Use it! Provide feedback!
Upstream Alignment
Kubernetes defines a set of logging conventions, as well as tools and libraries for logging.
Continuous improvement
The foundational items of Cluster API logging are:
- Support for structured logging in all the Cluster API controllers (see log format).
- Using contextual logging (see contextual logging).
- Adding a minimal set of key/value pairs in the logger at the beginning of each reconcile loop, so all the subsequent log entries will inherit them (see key value pairs).
Starting from the above foundations, then the long tail of small improvements will consist of following activities:
- Improve consistency of additional key/value pairs added by single log entries (see key value pairs).
- Improve log messages (see log messages).
- Improve consistency of log levels (see log levels).
Log Format
Controllers MUST provide support for structured logging and for the JSON output format; quoting the Kubernetes documentation, these are the key elements of this approach:
- Separate a log message from its arguments.
- Treat log arguments as key-value pairs.
- Be easily parsable and queryable.
Cluster API uses all the tooling provided by the Kubernetes community to implement structured logging: Klog, a logr wrapper that works with controller runtime, and other utils for exposing flags in the controller’s main.go.
Ideally, in a future release of Cluster API we will make JSON output format the default format for all the Cluster API controllers (currently the default is still text format).
Contextual logging
Contextual logging is the practice of using a log stored in the context across the entire chain of calls of a reconcile action. One of the main advantages of this approach is that key value pairs which are added to the logger at the beginning of the chain are then inherited by all the subsequent log entries created down the chain.
Contextual logging is also embedded in controller runtime; In Cluster API we use contextual logging via controller runtime’s
and LoggerInto(ctx, log)
primitives and this ensures that:
- The logger passed to each reconcile call has a unique
, so all the logs being written during a single reconcile call can be easily identified (note: controller runtime also adds other useful key value pairs by default). - The logger has a key value pair identifying the objects being reconciled,e.g. a Machine Deployment, so all the logs impacting this object can be easily identified.
Cluster API developer MUST ensure that:
- The logger has a set of key value pairs identifying the hierarchy of objects the object being reconciled belongs to, e.g. the Cluster a Machine Deployment belongs to, so it will be possible to drill down logs for related Cluster API objects while investigating issues.
Key/Value Pairs
One of the key elements of structured logging is key-value pairs.
Having consistent key value pairs is a requirement for ensuring readability and for providing support for searching and correlating lines across logs.
A set of good practices for defining key value pairs is defined in the Kubernetes Guidelines, and one of the above practices is really important for Cluster API developers
- Developers MUST use
functions when logging key value pairs for Kubernetes objects, thus ensuring a key value pair representing a Kubernetes object is formatted consistently in all the logs. - Developers MUST use consistent log keys:
- kinds should be written in upper camel case, e.g.
- Note: we cannot use lower camel case for kinds consistently because there is no way to
automatically calculate the correct log key for provider CRDs like
- Note: we cannot use lower camel case for kinds consistently because there is no way to
automatically calculate the correct log key for provider CRDs like
- all other keys should use lower camel case, e.g.
to align to Kubernetes log conventions
- kinds should be written in upper camel case, e.g.
Please note that, in order to ensure logs can be easily searched it is important to ensure consistency for the following key value pairs (in order of importance):
- Key value pairs identifying the object being reconciled, e.g. a MachineDeployment.
- Key value pairs identifying the hierarchy of objects being reconciled, e.g. the Cluster a MachineDeployment belongs to.
- Key value pairs identifying side effects on other objects, e.g. while reconciling a MachineDeployment, the controller creates a MachineSet.
- Other Key value pairs.
Log Messages
- A Message MUST always start with a capital letter.
- Period at the end of a message MUST be omitted.
- Always prefer logging before the action, so in case of errors there will be an immediate, visual correlation between the action log and the corresponding error log; While logging before the action, log verbs should use the -ing form.
- Ideally log messages should surface a different level of detail according to the target log level (see log levels for more details).
Log Levels
Kubernetes provides a set of recommendations for log levels; as a small integration on the above guidelines we would like to add:
- Logs at the lower levels of verbosity (<=3) are meant to document “what happened” by describing how an object status is being changed by controller/reconcilers across subsequent reconciliations; as a rule of thumb, it is reasonable to assume that a person reading those logs has a deep knowledge of how the system works, but it should not be required for those persons to have knowledge of the codebase.
- Logs at higher levels of verbosity (>=4) are meant to document “how it happened”, providing insight on thorny parts of the code; a person reading those logs usually has deep knowledge of the codebase.
- Don’t use verbosity higher than 5.
We are using log level 2 as a default verbosity for all core Cluster API controllers as recommended by the Kubernetes guidelines.
When developing logs there are operational trade-offs to take into account, e.g. verbosity vs space allocation, user readability vs machine readability, maintainability of the logs across the code base.
A reasonable approach for logging is to keep things simple and implement more log verbosity selectively and only on thorny parts of code. Over time, based on feedback from SRE/developers, more logs can be added to shed light where necessary.
Developing and testing logs
Our Tilt setup offers a batteries-included log suite based on Promtail, Loki and Grafana.
We are working to continuously improving this experience, allowing Cluster API developers to use logs and improve them as part of their development process.
For the best experience exploring the logs using Tilt:
- Set
. - Set a high log verbosity, e.g.
. - Enable Promtail, Loki, and Grafana under
A minimal example of a tilt-settings.yaml file that deploys a ready-to-use logging suite looks like:
- promtail
- loki
- grafana
- docker
- kubeadm-bootstrap
- kubeadm-control-plane
- "--logging-format=json"
- "--v=5"
- "--v=5"
- "--logging-format=json"
- "--v=5"
- "--logging-format=json"
- "--v=5"
- "--logging-format=json"
The above options can be combined with other settings from our Tilt setup. Once Tilt is up and running with these settings users will be able to browse logs using the Grafana Explore UI.
This will normally be available on localhost:3000
. To explore logs from Loki, open the Explore interface for the DataSource ‘Loki’. This link should work as a shortcut with the default Tilt settings.
Example queries
In the Log browser the following queries can be used to browse logs by controller, and by specific Cluster API objects. For example:
{app="capi-controller-manager"} | json
Will return logs from the capi-controller-manager
which are parsed in json. Passing the query through the json parser allows filtering by key-value pairs that are part of nested json objects. For example .cluster.name
becomes cluster_name
{app="capi-controller-manager"} | json | Cluster_name="my-cluster"
Will return logs from the capi-controller-manager
that are associated with the Cluster my-cluster
{app="capi-controller-manager"} | json | Cluster_name="my-cluster" | v <= 2
Will return logs from the capi-controller-manager
that are associated with the Cluster my-cluster
with log level <= 2.
{app="capi-controller-manager"} | json | Cluster_name="my-cluster" reconcileID="6f6ad971-bdb6-4fa3-b803-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Will return logs from the capi-controller-manager
, associated with the Cluster my-cluster
and the Reconcile ID 6f6ad971-bdb6-4fa3-b803-xxxxxxxxxxxx
. Each reconcile loop will have a unique Reconcile ID.
{app="capi-controller-manager"} | json | Cluster_name="my-cluster" reconcileID="6f6ad971-bdb6-4fa3-b803-ef81c5c8f9d0" controller="cluster" | line_format "{{ .msg }}"
Will return logs from the capi-controller-manager
, associated with the Cluster my-cluster
and the Reconcile ID 6f6ad971-bdb6-4fa3-b803-xxxxxxxxxxxx
it further selects only those logs which come from the Cluster controller. It will then format the logs so only the message is displayed.
{app=~"capd-controller-manager|capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-controller-manager|capi-kubeadm-control-plane-controller-manager"} | json | Cluster_name="my-cluster" Machine_name="my-cluster-linux-worker-1" | line_format "{{.controller}} {{.msg}}"
Will return the logs from four CAPI providers - the Core provider, Kubeadm Control Plane provider, Kubeadm Bootstrap provider and the Docker infrastructure provider. It filters by the cluster name and the machine name and then formats the log lines to show just the source controller and the message. This allows us to correlate logs and see actions taken by each of these four providers related to the machine my-cluster-linux-worker-1
For more information on formatting and filtering logs using Grafana and Loki see:
What about providers
Cluster API providers are developed by independent teams, and each team is free to define their own processes and conventions.
However, given that SRE/developers looking at logs are often required to look both at logs from core CAPI and providers, we encourage providers to adopt and contribute to the guidelines defined in this document.
It is also worth noting that the foundational elements of the approach described in this document are easy to achieve by leveraging default Kubernetes tooling for logging.