Supported Labels

LabelNoteManaged byApplies to is set on machines linked to a cluster and external objects(bootstrap and infrastructure providers).UserMachines is set on machines or related objects that are part of a control plane.Cluster APIMachines is set on machines if they’re controlled by a control plane. The value of this label may be a hash if the control plane name is longer than 63 characters.Cluster APIMachines is set on machines if they’re controlled by a MachineDeployment.Cluster APIMachines set with the value “skip” on a Pod in the workload cluster, the Pod will not be evicted during Node drain.UserPods (workload cluster) is used to mark the nodes that run on interruptible instances.UserNodes (workload cluster) is set on machines if they’re controlled by a MachinePool.Cluster APIMachines is set on components in the provider manifest. The label allows one to easily identify all the components belonging to a provider. The clusterctl tool uses this label for implementing provider’s lifecycle operations.UserProvider Components is set on machines if they’re controlled by MachineSet. The value of this label may be a hash if the MachineSet name is longer than 63 characters.Cluster APIMachines can be applied to any Cluster API object. Controllers which allow for selective reconciliation may check this label and proceed with reconciliation of the object only if this label and a configured value is present.Cluster APIAll Cluster API objects
machine-template-hashIt is applied to Machines in a MachineDeployment containing the hash of the template.Cluster APIMachines is set on the generated MachineDeployment objects to track the name of the MachineDeployment topology it represents.Cluster APIMachineDeployments is set on all the object which are managed as part of a ClusterTopology.Cluster APIClusterTopology objects

Supported Annotations

AnnotationNoteManaged ByApplies to
before-upgrade.hook.cluster.cluster.x-k8s.ioIt specifies the prefix we search each annotation for during the before-upgrade lifecycle hook to block propagating the new version to the control plane. These hooks will prevent propagation of changes made to the Cluster Topology to the underlying objects.UserClusters is set on nodes to track the annotations that originated from machines.Cluster APINodes (workload cluster) is the annotation that stores the group-kind of the template from which the current resource has been cloned from.Cluster APIAll Cluster API objects cloned from a template is the annotation that stores the name of the template from which the current resource has been cloned from.Cluster APIAll Cluster API objects cloned from a template is set on nodes identifying the name of the cluster the node belongs to.Cluster APINodes (workload cluster) is set on nodes identifying the namespace of the cluster the node belongs to.Cluster APINodes (workload cluster) marks control plane and worker nodes that will be given priority for deletion when KCP or a MachineSet scales down. It is given top priority on all delete policies.UserMachines can be used to signal a MachineSet to stop creating new machines. It is utilized in the OnDelete MachineDeploymentStrategy to allow the MachineDeployment controller to scale down older MachineSets when Machines are deleted and add the new replicas to the latest MachineSet.Cluster APIMachineSets is set on nodes to track the labels that originated from machines.Cluster APINodes (workload cluster) can be applied to InfraCluster resources to signify that some external system is managing the cluster infrastructure. Provider InfraCluster controllers will ignore resources with this annotation. An external controller must fulfill the contract of the InfraCluster resource. External infrastructure providers should ensure that the annotation, once set, cannot be removed.UserInfraClusters is set on nodes identifying the machine the node belongs to.Cluster APINodes (workload cluster) is set on nodes identifying the machine’s owner kind the node belongs to.Cluster APINodes (workload cluster) is set on nodes identifying the machine’s owner name the node belongs to.Cluster APINodes (workload cluster) can be applied to any Cluster API object to prevent a controller from processing a resource. Controllers working with Cluster API objects must check the existence of this annotation on the reconciled object.UserAll Cluster API objects can be applied to a machine to manually mark it for remediation by MachineHealthCheck reconciler.UserMachines can be applied to MachinePool resources to signify that some external system is managing infrastructure scaling for that pool. See the MachinePool documentation for more details.Infrastructure ProvidersMachinePools is used to mark the machines that should not be considered for remediation by MachineHealthCheck reconciler.UserMachines prevents the cluster move operation from starting if it is defined on at least one of the objects in scope. Provider controllers are expected to set the annotation on resources that cannot be instantaneously paused and remove the annotation when the resource has been actually paused.ProvidersAll Cluster API objects will be set to objects that are going to be deleted from the source cluster after being moved to the target cluster during the clusterctl move operation. It will help any validation webhook to take decision based on it.Cluster APIAll Cluster API objects be placed on provider CRDs, so that clusterctl doesn’t emit an error if the CRD doesn’t comply with Cluster APIs naming scheme. Only CRDs that are referenced by core Cluster API CRDs have to comply with the naming scheme.ProvidersCRDs is a machine annotation that stores the json-marshalled string of KCP ClusterConfiguration. This annotation is used to detect any changes in ClusterConfiguration and trigger machine rollout in KCP.Cluster APIMachines is a machine annotation that links a new machine to the unhealthy machine it is replacing.Cluster APIMachines is a KCP annotation that tracks that the system is in between having deleted an unhealthy machine and recreating its replacement.Cluster APIKubeadmControlPlanes explicitly skips reconciling CoreDNS if set.UserKubeadmControlPlanes explicitly skips reconciling kube-proxy if set.UserKubeadmControlPlanes indicates on a CRD for which generation CRD migration is completed.Cluster APICustomResourceDefinitions captures the expiry date of the machine certificates in RFC3339 format. It is used to trigger rollout of control plane machines before certificates expire. It can be set on BootstrapConfig and Machine objects. The value set on Machine object takes precedence. The annotation is only used by control plane machines.Cluster API/UserBootstrapConfigs, Machines explicitly skips node draining if set.UserMachines explicitly skips the waiting for node volume detaching if set.UserMachines is the desired replicas for a machine deployment recorded as an annotation in its machine sets. Helps in separating scaling events from the rollout process and for determining if the new machine set for a deployment is really saturated.Cluster APIMachineSets is the maximum replicas a deployment can have at a given point, which is machinedeployment.spec.replicas + maxSurge. Used by the underlying machine sets to estimate their proportions in case the deployment has surge replicas.Cluster APIMachineSets is the revision annotation of a machine deployment’s machine sets which records its rollout sequence.Cluster APIMachineSets maintains the history of all old revisions that a machine set has served for a machine deployment.Cluster APIMachineSets can be applied on MachineDeployment and MachineSet resources to specify a comma-separated list of preflight checks that should be skipped during MachineSet reconciliation. Supported preflight checks are: All, KubeadmVersionSkew, KubernetesVersionSkew, ControlPlaneIsStable.UserMachineDeployments, MachineSets
pre-drain.delete.hook.machine.cluster.x-k8s.ioIt specifies the prefix we search each annotation for during the pre-drain.delete lifecycle hook to pause reconciliation of deletion. These hooks will prevent removal of draining the associated node until all are removed.UserMachines
pre-terminate.delete.hook.machine.cluster.x-k8s.ioIt specifies the prefix we search each annotation for during the pre-terminate.delete lifecycle hook to pause reconciliation of deletion. These hooks will prevent removal of an instance from an infrastructure provider until all are removed.UserMachines can be used to defer the Kubernetes upgrade of a single MachineDeployment topology. If the annotation is set on a MachineDeployment topology in Cluster.spec.topology.workers, the Kubernetes upgrade for this MachineDeployment topology is deferred. It doesn’t affect other MachineDeployment topologies.Cluster APIMachineDeployments in Cluster.topology is an annotation that gets set on objects by the topology controller only during a server side dry run apply operation. It is used for validating update webhooks for objects which get updated by template rotation (e.g. InfrastructureMachineTemplate). When the annotation is set and the admission request is a dry run, the webhook should deny validation due to immutability. By that the request will succeed (without any changes to the actual object because it is a dry run) and the topology controller will receive the resulting object.Cluster APITemplate rotation objects can be used to hold the entire MachineDeployment upgrade sequence. If the annotation is set on a MachineDeployment topology in Cluster.spec.topology.workers, the Kubernetes upgrade for this MachineDeployment topology and all subsequent ones is deferred.Cluster APIMachineDeployments in Cluster.topology can be used to configure the maximum concurrency while upgrading MachineDeployments of a classy Cluster. It is set as a top level annotation on the Cluster object. The value should be >= 1. If unspecified the upgrade concurrency will default to 1.Cluster APIClusters can be used to disable the webhook check on update that disallows a pre-existing Cluster to be populated with Topology information and Class.UserClusters can be used to disable the webhook checks on update that disallows updating the .topology.spec.version on certain conditions.UserClusters