Cluster API v0.3 compared to v0.4

Minimum Go version

  • The Go version used by Cluster API is now Go 1.16+
    • In case cloudbuild is used to push images, please upgrade to in the cloudbuild YAML files.

Controller Runtime version

  • The Controller Runtime version is now v0.9.+

Controller Tools version (if used)

  • The Controller Tools version is now v0.6.+

Kind version

  • The KIND version used for this release is v0.11.x

⚠ Go Module changes ⚠

  • The test folder now ships with its own Go module
  • The module is going to be tagged and versioned as part of the release.
  • Folks importing the test e2e framework or the Docker infrastructure provider need to import the new module.
    • When imported, the test module version should always match the Cluster API one.
    • Add the following line in go.mod to replace the cluster-api dependency in the test module (change the version to your current Cluster API version):
    replace => v0.4.x
  • The CAPD go module in test/infrastructure/docker has been removed.

Klog version

  • The klog package used has been upgraded to v2.5.x. It is recommended that all providers also switch to using v2.

    • Change import to import
    • Change import to import
    • Update go.mod to v2.5.0
    • Run go mod tidy to ensure all dependencies are updated.

The controllers.DeleteNodeAnnotation constant has been removed

  • This annotation was originally deprecated a while ago when we moved our types under the domain.

The controllers.DeleteMachineAnnotation has been moved to v1alpha4.DeleteMachineAnnotation

  • This annotation was previously exported as part of the controllers package, instead this should be a versioned annotation under the api packages.

Align manager flag names with upstream Kubernetes components

  • Rename --metrics-addr to --metrics-bind-addr
  • Rename --leader-election to --leader-elect

util.ManagerDelegatingClientFunc has been removed

This function was originally used to generate a delegating client when creating a new manager.

Controller Runtime v0.9.x now uses a ClientBuilder in its Options struct and it uses the delegating client by default under the hood, so this can be now removed.

Use to Controller Runtime’s new fake client builder

  • The functions fake.NewFakeClientWithScheme and fake.NewFakeClient have been deprecated.
  • Switch to fake.NewClientBuilder().WithObjects().Build() instead, which provides a cleaner interface to create a new fake client with objects, lists, or a scheme.

Multi tenancy

Up until v1alpha3, the need of supporting multiple credentials was addressed by running multiple instances of the same provider, each one with its own set of credentials while watching different namespaces.

Starting from v1alpha4 instead we are going require that an infrastructure provider should manage different credentials, each one of them corresponding to an infrastructure tenant.

see Multi-tenancy and Support multiple instances for more details.

Specific changes related to this topic will be detailed in this document.

Change types with arrays of pointers to custom objects

The conversion-gen code from the 1.20.x release onward generates incorrect conversion functions for types having arrays of pointers to custom objects. Change the existing types to contain objects instead of pointer references.

Optional flag for specifying webhook certificates dir

Add optional flag --webhook-cert-dir={string-value} which allows user to specify directory where webhooks will get tls certificates. If flag has not provided, default value from controller-runtime should be used.

Required kustomize changes to have a single manager watching all namespaces and answer to webhook calls

In an effort to simplify the management of Cluster API components, and realign with Kubebuilder configuration, we’re requiring some changes to move all webhooks back into a single deployment manager, and to allow Cluster API watch all namespaces it manages. For a /config folder reference, please use the testdata in the Kubebuilder project:


Provider’s /config folder has the same structure of /config folder in CAPI controllers.

Changes in the /config/webhook folder:

  1. Edit the /config/webhook/kustomization.yaml file:
    • Remove the namespace: configuration
    • In the resources: list, remove the following items:
      - ../certmanager
      - ../manager
    • Remove the patchesStrategicMerge list
    • Copy the vars list into a temporary file to be used later in the process
    • Remove the vars list
  2. Edit the config/webhook/kustomizeconfig.yaml file:
    • In the varReference: list, remove the item with kind: Deployment
  3. Edit the /config/webhook/manager_webhook_patch.yaml file and remove the args list from the manager container.
  4. Move the following files to the /config/default folder
    • /config/webhook/manager_webhook_patch.yaml
    • /config/webhook/webhookcainjection_patch.yaml

Changes in the /config/manager folder:

  1. Edit the /config/manager/kustomization.yaml file:
    • Remove the patchesStrategicMerge list
  2. Edit the /config/manager/manager.yaml file:
    • Add the following items to the args list for the manager container list
    - "--metrics-bind-addr="
    • Verify that feature flags required by your container are properly set (as it was in /config/webhook/manager_webhook_patch.yaml).
  3. Edit the /config/manager/manager_auth_proxy_patch.yaml file:
    • Remove the patch for the container with name manager
  4. Move the following files to the /config/default folder
    • /config/manager/manager_auth_proxy_patch.yaml
    • /config/manager/manager_image_patch.yaml
    • /config/manager/manager_pull_policy.yaml

Changes in the /config/default folder:

  1. Create a file named /config/default/kustomizeconfig.yaml with the following content:
    # This configuration is for teaching kustomize how to update name ref and var substitution
    - kind: Deployment
      path: spec/template/spec/volumes/secret/secretName
  2. Edit the /config/default/kustomization.yaml file:
    • Add the namePrefix and the commonLabels configuration values copying values from the /config/kustomization.yaml file
    • In the bases: list, add the following items:
      - ../crd
      - ../certmanager
      - ../webhook
    • Add the patchesStrategicMerge: list, with the following items:
      - manager_auth_proxy_patch.yaml
      - manager_image_patch.yaml
      - manager_pull_policy.yaml
      - manager_webhook_patch.yaml
      - webhookcainjection_patch.yaml
    • Add a vars: configuration using the value from the temporary file created while modifying /config/webhook/kustomization.yaml
    • Add the configurations: list with the following items:
      - kustomizeconfig.yaml

Changes in the /config folder:

  1. Remove the /config/kustomization.yaml file
  2. Remove the /config/patch_crd_webhook_namespace.yaml file

Changes in the main.go file:

  1. Change default value for the flags webhook-port flag to 9443
  2. Change your code so all the controllers and the webhooks are started no matter if the webhooks port selected.

Other changes:

  • makefile
    • update all the references for /config/manager/manager_image_patch.yaml to /config/default/manager_image_patch.yaml
    • update all the references for /config/manager/manager_pull_policy.yaml to /config/default/manager_pull_policy.yaml
    • update all the call to kustomize targeting /config to target /config/default instead.
  • E2E config files
    • update provider sources reading from /config to read from /config/default instead.
  • clusterctl-settings.json file
    • if the configFolder value is defined, update from /config to /config/default.

Upgrade cert-manager to v1.1.0

NB. instructions assumes “Required kustomize changes to have a single manager watching all namespaces and answer to webhook calls” should be executed before this changes.

Changes in the /config/certmanager folder:

  1. Edit the /config/certmanager/certificate.yaml file and replace all the occurrences of with

Changes in the /config/default folder:

  1. Edit the /config/default/kustomization.yaml file and replace all the occurrences of
          kind: Certificate
          version: v1alpha2
          kind: Certificate
          version: v1

Support the label and watch-filter flag.

  • A new label provides the ability to filter the controllers to only reconcile objects with a specific label.
  • A new flag watch-filter enables users to specify the label value for the label on controller boot.
  • The flag which enables users to set the flag value can be structured like this:
    	fs.StringVar(&watchFilterValue, "watch-filter", "", fmt.Sprintf("Label value that the controller watches to reconcile cluster-api objects. Label key is always %s. If unspecified, the controller watches for all cluster-api objects.", clusterv1.WatchLabel))
  • The ResourceNotPausedAndHasFilterLabel predicate is a useful helper to check for the pause annotation and the filter label easily:
    c, err := ctrl.NewControllerManagedBy(mgr).
      		&source.Kind{Type: &clusterv1.Machine{}},
      	WithEventFilter(predicates.ResourceNotPausedAndHasFilterLabel(ctrl.LoggerFrom(ctx), r.WatchFilterValue)).
      if err != nil {
      	return errors.Wrap(err, "failed setting up with a controller manager")

Required changes to have individual service accounts for controllers.

  1. Create a new service account such as:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: manager
namespace: system
  1. Change the subject of the managers ClusterRoleBinding to match:
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: manager
  namespace: system
  1. Add the correct serviceAccountName to the manager deployment:
serviceAccountName: manager

Percentage String or Int API input will fail with a string different from an integer with % appended.

MachineDeployment.Spec.Strategy.RollingUpdate.MaxSurge, MachineDeployment.Spec.Strategy.RollingUpdate.MaxUnavailable and MachineHealthCheck.Spec.MaxUnhealthy would have previously taken a String value with an integer character in it e.g “3” as a valid input and process it as a percentage value. Only String values like “3%” or Int values e.g 3 are valid input values now. A string not matching the percentage format will fail, e.g “3”.

Required change to support externally managed infrastructure.

  • A new annotation has been introduced that allows cluster infrastructure to be managed externally.
  • When this annotation is added to an InfraCluster resource, the controller for these resources should not reconcile the resource.
  • The ResourceIsNotExternallyManaged predicate is a useful helper to check for the annotation and the filter the resource easily:
    c, err := ctrl.NewControllerManagedBy(mgr).
      if err != nil {
      	return errors.Wrap(err, "failed setting up with a controller manager")
  • Note: this annotation also has to be checked in other cases, e.g. when watching for the Cluster resource.

MachinePool API group changed to

MachinePool is today an experiment, and the API group we originally decided to pick was Given that the intent is in the future to move MachinePool to the core API group, we changed the experiment to use group to avoid future breaking changes.

All InfraMachinePool implementations should be moved to See DockerMachinePool for an example.

Note that MachinePools are still experimental after this change and should still be feature gated.

Golangci-lint configuration

There were a lot of new useful linters added to .golangci.yml. Of course it’s not mandatory to use golangci-lint or a similar configuration, but it might make sense regardless. Please note there was previously an error in the exclude configuration which has been fixed in #4657. As this configuration has been duplicated in a few other providers, it could be that you’re also affected.

test/helpers.NewFakeClientWithScheme has been removed

This function used to create a new fake client with the given scheme for testing, and all the objects given as input were initialized with a resource version of “1”. The behavior of having a resource version in fake client has been fixed in controller-runtime, and this function isn’t needed anymore.

Required kustomize changes to remove kube-rbac-proxy

NB. instructions assumes “Required kustomize changes to have a single manager watching all namespaces and answer to webhook calls” should be executed before this changes.

Changes in the /config/default folder:

  1. Edit /config/default/kustomization.yaml and remove the manager_auth_proxy_patch.yaml item from the patchesStrategicMerge list.
  2. Delete the /config/default/manager_auth_proxy_patch.yaml file.

Changes in the /config/manager folder:

  1. Edit /config/manager/manager.yaml and remove the --metrics-bind-addr= arg from the args list.

Changes in the /config/rbac folder:

  1. Edit /config/rbac/kustomization.yaml and remove following items from the resources list.
    • auth_proxy_service.yaml
    • auth_proxy_role.yaml
    • auth_proxy_role_binding.yaml
  2. Delete the /config/rbac/auth_proxy_service.yaml file.
  3. Delete the /config/rbac/auth_proxy_role.yaml file.
  4. Delete the /config/rbac/auth_proxy_role_binding.yaml file.

Changes in the main.go file:

  1. Change the default value for the metrics-bind-addr from :8080 to localhost:8080

Required cluster template changes

  • spec.infrastructureTemplate has been moved to spec.machineTemplate.infrastructureRef. Thus, cluster templates which include KubeadmControlPlane have to be adjusted accordingly.
  • spec.nodeDrainTimeout has been moved to spec.machineTemplate.nodeDrainTimeout.

Required spec and status fields for Control Planes using ‘version’ for ClusterClass support

ControlPlane implementations using version must now include a ‘version’ field as defined below in both its spec and its status.

spec.version - is a string representing the Kubernetes version to be used by the control plane machines. The value must be a valid semantic version; also if the value provided by the user does not start with the v prefix, it must be added.

status.version - is a string representing the minimum Kubernetes version for the control plane machines in the cluster.

Please note that implementing these fields are a requirement for a control plane provider to be used with ClusterClass and managed topologies.

Required spec fields for Control Planes using ‘Machines’ for ClusterClass support

ControlPlane implementations that use an underlying MachineInfrastructure must now include a ‘machineTemplate’ as defined below, with subordinate fields, in its Spec.

machineTemplate - is a struct containing details of the control plane machine template.

Please note that implementing this field for control plane providers using machines is a requirement for ClusterClass and managed topologies to work consistently across all providers.